
This tool is designed for technomancers in Shadowrun 5th Edition.

Last Update: December 24, 2014

Bug fixes:

Features Added:



Enter your attributes and modifications here.
Attribute Base Value Modification

Device Rating Attack Sleaze Data Processing Firewall


Add your relevant skills here. Does not keep track of specializations.
Skill Base Value Modification
Electronic Warfare


Checkmark if you have any of these echoes.
Echo Taken Level
Attack Upgrade
Data Processing Upgrade
Firewall Upgrade
Sleaze Upgrade
Program: Edit
Program: Encryption
Program: Signal Scrub
Program: Toolbox
Program: Armor
Program: Biofeedback Filter
Program: Defuse
Program: Decryption
Program: Exploit
Program: Shell
Program: Stealth
Program: Track

Other Variables (Noise, Grids, etc)

Additional options.
Option Level
Sustained Complex Forms
Target on different grid
Running Silent
Wound Modifiers
Stun Modifiers

Matrix Actions

Various Matrix actions
Action Marks Dice Defended with Your Defense
Resist Damage n/a n/a Device Rating + Firewall
Resist Data Bomb n/a n/a Device Rating + Firewall
Resist Biofeedback n/a n/a Device Rating + Firewall
Brute Force (1 Mark) None WIL+Firewall
Brute Force (2 Marks) None WIL+Firewall
Brute Force (3 Marks) None WIL+Firewall
Check Overwatch Score None 6 Dice
Crack File 1 Protection Rating x 2
Crash Program 1 INT+Firewall
Data Spike 1 INT+Firewall
Disarm Data Bomb none Data Bomb Rating x 2
Edit File 1 INT+Firewall
Protect File Owner None. Hits = Protection Rating
Erase Mark (1 Mark) 3 WIL+Firewall
Erase Mark (2 Marks) 3 WIL+Firewall
Erase Mark (3 Marks) 3 WIL+Firewall
Erase Matrix Signature none Signature Rating x 2
Format Device 3 WIL+Firewall
Hack on the Fly (1 mark) None INT+Firewall
Hack on the Fly (2 marks) None INT+Firewall
Hack on the Fly (3 marks) None INT+Firewall
Hide 0 INT+Data Processing
Jackout (Link-locked) Owner LOG+Attack
Jam Signals Owner None. Hits = +noise rating
Jump into Rigged Device 3 WIL+Firewall
Matrix Perception None LOG+Sleaze if looking for silent running icons
Matrix Search n/a n/a
Reboot Device 3 WIL+Firewall
Set Data Bomb 1 Device Rating x 2
Snoop 1 LOG+Firewall
Spoof Command 1 LOG+Firewall
Trace Icon 2 WIL+Sleaze

Resonance Actions

Resonance actions
Action Dice Defended with
Compile Sprite Sprite Level
Decompile Sprite Sprite Rating (+compiler's RES)
Kill Complex Form Complex Form Level + RES
Register Sprite Sprite Level x 2
Thread Complex Form special
Fading none

Complex Form Library

List of Complex forms and their fade values
Complex Form Target Duration Fade Value Defended with Your Defense
Cleaner Persona Permanent L + 1
Diffusion of [Matrix Attribute] Device Sustained L + 1 WIL+Firewall
Editor File Permanent L + 2 INT+Data Processing
Infusion of [Matrix Attribute] Device Sustained L + 1
Static Veil Persona Sustained L - 1 Threshold 1 for Public grid. 2 for other grids.
Pulse Storm Persona Immediate L + 0 LOG+Data Processing
Puppeteer Device Immediate L + 4 WIL+Firewall (1 for Free Action, 2 for simple, 3 for Complex)
Resonance Channel Device Sustained L - 1
Resonance Spike Device Immediate L + 0 WIL+Firewall
Resonance Veil Device Sustained L - 1 INT+Data Processing
Static Bomb Self Immediate L + 2 INT+Data Processing
Stitches Sprite Permanent L -2 LOG+Data Processing
Transcendent Grid Self Immediate L - 3
Tattletale Persona Permanent L -2